The Number One Food To Avoid To Heal A Chronic Illness

If you have any chronic illness or symptom, eggs are a food to avoid. Chronic conditions and symptoms like eczema, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, brain fog, fatigue, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis… the list goes on to all the conditions the medical system cannot fix and only give a band-aid medication. There are a list of foods to avoid due to the wisdom of Medical Medium. I have followed Medical Medium’s protocol to heal fibromyalgia. It was the only thing that got out of hole I was in with my hundreds of symptoms which the medical world called ‘fibromyalgia.’

I was feeling so good lately that I actually slipped off the strict protocol (which isn’t actually that strict) and ate GF banana bread at the local coffee shop. I woke up with rheumatoid arthritis and swelling in my eyes. Medical Medium explains that eggs today in our modern world feeds pathogens. He explains that the reason behind these chronic conditions is a virus called epstein-barr virus. Most of the population has this virus however some people experience symptoms caused by this virus that is otherwise dormant. Todays world and food is laden with heavy metals that feed this virus which then expresses itself into further extreme cases, like fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis.

This experience taught me to believe even more this protocol that has saved my life, and millions of others.

Sadly eggs feed these pathogens and eggs are not as healthy as we are made to believe.

There are so many alternative options out there but it’s not always the easiest to find solutions out. I instead am making sure I’m prepared with my own vegan gluten free banana bread instead as the symptoms are just not worth it.

This is of course a controversial topic. I for one am so thankful to have found a solution to heal, as I know many other chronic warriors out there who have used this protocol are too.

I guide people to heal using medical medium information as a large basis for my mentoring, as it is truly what works.


Dharma, and what can happen if you are not living your dharma


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