A quick guide to roots, flowers, and leaves — and how they nourish our bodies to health

  • Ashwaganda



    Popularly used for boosting immunity, anti-ageing, joint pain and insomnia. Due to its active ingredient called withanolides, Ashwagandha is also used as an “adaptogen” to help the body cope with daily stress, as a general tonic and for improving thinking ability.

  • Astragalus


    Traditionally used to support colds and enhance the immune system. Reduces inflammation, anti-viral and promotes endurance.

    Also used to help treat heart conditions, kidney disease and more.

  • Black pepper


    Digestive support. In Ayurveda, Black Pepper is traditionally considered to be a hot, pungent herb that stimulates agni, or digestive fire. Black Pepper’s most active constituent, Piperine, has been found to support the absorption of other herbs, specifically the Curcumin found in Turmeric. One study found that combining Turmeric and Black Pepper increased the bioavailability of Turmeric by 154%.

  • Brahmi


    Memory, nerve rejuvenation, cognitive function, potent antioxidants, focus, protection against cognitive function.

  • Burdock


    Powerhouse of antioxidants, removes toxins from the blood, improves digestion. The root contains 50% of the compound inulin, which assists with strengthening the immune system.

  • Calendula


    Anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, soothes eczema and relieves itching.

  • Cat's Claw


    Promotes a healthy immune response due to anti-inflammatory properties through the alkaloids present.

  • Chaga


    An anti-ageing, immunity-boosting powerhouse, is packed-full of beta glucans, adaptogenic betulinic acid, high levels of antioxidants and skin-protecting melanin.

  • Eyebright


    Anti-inflammatory components aid strained eyes, soothe sinuses and fights against colds and allergies.

  • Garlic


    Powerful medicine that is anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Promotes immunity and heart support. Reduces blood sugar, blood-pressure and cholesterol.

  • Ginger


    Anti-inflammatory, aids in a healthy immune response, circulation and digestion.

  • Ginkgo


    Improves clarity and memory due to the high levels of flavonoids and terpenoids, which are antioxidants that provide protection against oxidative cell damage from harmful free radicals. Increases cerebral circulation and blood flow.

  • Ginseng


    The plant is mostly used in traditional medicines as an adaptogen, a compound that helps the body better handle and adapt to stress. Also acts as a stimulant, increasing nervous system function. Do not take if pregnant.

  • Gotu kola


    Assists the body to maintain healthy neurotransmitter function, whilst also promoting normal levels of mental alertness and a sound memory. Gotu Kola also supports the body’s inherent ability to acclimate to temporary stress.

  • Licorice


    Widely used for digestive support. Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-microbial properties.

  • Lions mane


    Brain and nerve protection. Improves cognitive function and boosts digestive health.

  • Maca


    Hormonal balancing, increased libido, sexual function, fertility, anti-depressant.

  • Motherwort


    Supports stress, the female reproductive system and problems of the heart. Not to be used by those on heart medication.

  • Mugwort


    Digestive, stress and sleep support.

  • Nettle


    Because of its nourishing, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, nettle is a natural beautifier to skin and hair. It has been shown to clear acne and eczema as well as encourage thicker, shinier hair and new hair growth.

  • Reishi


    Regarded in China as the mushroom of immortality, promotes a healthy stress response, brain function, and immune support.

  • Rosemary


    Memory enhancer. Boosts immune and circulatory system.

  • Shatavari


    Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, reproductive health, anti-anxiety.

  • Skullcap


    Restores the nervous system, bringing stress and sleep back into balance. Support for those that are mentally and physically exhausted.

  • Tulsi


    Adaptogen for life stressors to maintain equilibrium, anti-inflammatory

  • Turmeric


    Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant containing curcuminoids that get rid of free radicals in the body that build up in the body through everyday stressors, supports immunity

  • Turkey tail


    Used by Taoists to cultivate a robust immune system that is able to combat pathogens, supporting bone health, toning the liver and improving gut health.

  • Valerian


    Stress and sleep support. A herbal sedative.

  • Yarrow


    Anti-inflammatory, lowers blood pressure, improves digestion and protects the liver, stimulates blood flow in the pelvic area (good for menstrual cycle), reduces anxiety and promotes sleep. Do not take if pregnant.