Dharma, and what can happen if you are not living your dharma

Hi beautiful souls! If you have been a ‘yogi’ you may know the term dharma, it is a Sanskrit word meaning purpose (your soul purpose, which can shift and change throughout your life).

When you are not living your dharma (I’ll explain later how you can connect in with your dharma), your life can be anything but perfect! Everything always seems to be going wrong, such as in relationships (the same thing keeps happening to you!) and you’re working the same dead end jobs, barely getting by…and you’re constantly complaining and wondering why this always happens to you (yet in your head you know you were meant for more). Not living your dharma can result in a health crisis which finally makes you change your job you have been hating forever that never was paying you well anyways. Some of us maybe may never go through this but I think more often than not, we’ll all experience this once in our lives.

For myself, I experienced this a lot! I’ve had a whirlwind life which I explain in depth on this podcast if you want to listen. I was in survival mode which makes sense because my parents passed away when I was young, which resulted in living in many homes and barely getting by. I didn’t think things through too much because I just wanted to survive and get by - which led me to a bachelors of sciences in Florida, to then travelling the world, getting multiple certificates and working several different jobs around the world. I studied yoga and several other things that contributed to moments of ‘Aha’ moments. I had awakenings along the way, waking me back up to my own soul and self. One of those moments was my senior year of college when I was so depressed, wondering if this (drinking, partying, the whole college experience and connections) was all there was. God whispered in my ear and told me to go church. I had an awakening moment, finally getting back to my spiritual self and that led me on my journey to myself, giving up alcohol and many years of ‘service.’

I still was so lost along the way, following the mainstream education, not knowing what I wanted to do with my life and I just was always so miserable, feeling a lack of purpose. I finally landed back in Australia and I again was just working to get by, barely surviving. So many events just kept blowing up in my face, my stress and health finally could not handle it. I was diagnosed with a chronic illness and again a voice came to me and said, ‘how much sicker do I have to make you until you realise you are supposed to work in the health space?’ I then chose to change my studies and work to the health space, which had always been in my sphere but just not something I thought would be valuable (as you know, I am much more alternative and holistic).

So let me get back to dharma. Dharma can be achieved by really sitting into who you are and what you truly deeply want, not what your ego wants or what society has told you. When we are in survival and go-go-go, we are just so distracted to who we truly are and what our soul desires. So many people are just focused on getting by (me included for a long time!). If we sit with ourselves, through meditation and a more conscious awareness, we can tune into our true calling and gifts, what really lights you up - so that we can serve and deliver that - and then abundance will follow. We need to shift our energy away from money and instead on what brings us joy and happiness. Deepak Chopra is giving me so much clarity into this idea recently, along with other people like Sahara Rose, that living our dharma is so essential to our health and wealth. When we tune into our consciousness and our true soul’s desires, we will have more flow of energy - more creativity, more inspiration and more guidance.

Since I have finally started tuning more into my energy, that is unique, and following my joy and happiness - more follows. I was so stuck for so long, thinking the same negative loop, doing the same negative loop, that nothing else could come along. My reality could not change. Creating your new neural loop takes consistency and showing up. This is in the form of meditation, action and choices, and thought processes.

What I am doing now to keep sitting in my soul, center and consciousness:

More consistent meditation - like Joe Dispenza, Abraham Hicks, chakra meditations

Reading more enlightening books that help me make sense of this: Deepak Chopra, Joe Dispenza

Astrology: tuning into my chart and what I am supposed to do on this earth + my strengths

Last thoughts and questions:

What better choices are you going to make that are aligned with your authentic self?

Become your greatest future self today and call that energy to you now

Feel how unlimited you are

You are divine creative energy - embrace it, feel it

Become more energy than matter

I could go on and on about this topic honestly! Thinking differently and being different is not easy but it will change your life. I hope this resonates, thanks for being here, lightworker <3

xx Tiffany


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