Nutrition To Reverse Chronic Illness

I promote a low fat and low protein way of eating. This might come as a surprise to many because we are in a society that loves oil on everything and protein is often considered the one thing that will keep you fit and healthy. There is so much information out there in the realm of research and health. Many well-known alternative doctors will promote eggs and meat. Others will promote bone broth. There is so much to try to understand and then the message is always changing.

There needs to be larger focus on fruits and vegetables: have these be the stars of your plate rather than the side to a big piece of steak. There is now so much research supporting this way of eating, but sadly most people still buy into the marketing and the experts promoting a high protein, high fat diet. Research supports that high protein, high fat diets actually increase chances of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

If you are experiencing any type of symptom, from something mild like bloating or acne, to something more serious like fibromyalgia or lupus, it is more critical for you to change up your diet and go low fat and low protein. There comes a time when you have tried absolutely everything, but your diet. Vegans today can get grilled by people, asking ‘well, where is your protein?’ This is sad because there is so much research out there today, even for pregnant and breastfeeding women, that being vegan you still get plenty of protein. There is so much protein that you can get from eating plant-based that you will go over the daily recommended intake.

If you are afraid that you won’t feel full after eating a meal that is not high in fat and high in protein, start adding more potatoes, squash and pumpkin to your meals. You can also add avocado but remember, try limiting the fats you’re intaking and think about what else you can add to your plate instead of just relying on avocado. Think about eating an abundance of fruits and vegetables, such as a large salad with a yummy dressing on it. You will also benefit from eating fruit throughout the day. You will be eating more than you typically would, which often people can eat just an egg with a slice of toast for breakfast or lunch. Your body will benefit from all the phytonutrients you will be consuming instead of the heavy amount of fat and protein.

Your body does not thrive off of protein and fat but instead thrives off of glycogen and glucose which is from fruits and vegetables. Your liver needs to detox so that you can heal and thrive. Eating more fats makes the liver unable to do so and creates sludgy blood. It is recommended to eat a diet rich in whole-food plant-based carbohydrates which is 80% of your intake, protein 10%, and fat 8-10%. That is radically different to what most people in Western countries consume today.

The Mediterranean diet has many studies supporting that it is one of the healthier diets. This diet still contains much olive oil, which is a fat. Most Mediterranean communities in the past would have had a diet consisting more on fruits and vegetables than the generous amount of olive oil used today. Olive oil is one of the better fats but it still contributes to heart disease and there is no science to prove that it can reverse illnesses or stop chronic symptoms. The studies promoting certain ways of eating, such as olive oil, often are funded by the industry. Oil is not good for health and there is much research proving otherwise.

We need to look at communities that live long healthy lives that are not overweight, like western countries, that eat a high fat and high protein diet. Eating low fat and low protein also means including legumes, like lentils. It is not a boring diet but it is a transition for many people. It is a mindset change because we have been told how important a high protein diet is.

Anyways, get excited. Start making changes, small changes, and start feeling better and healing symptoms that have not been able to heal or go away. You’ve got this! Knowledge is power x


Esselstyn, Jr., C. (2019). Is Oil Healthy?. International Journal Of Disease Reversal And Prevention, 1(1). doi: 10.22230/ijdrp.2019v1n1a35

Health benefits of low protein high carbohydrate diets depend on carb type. (2022). Retrieved 27 September 2022, from

Research Shows a Lower Protein Diet Could Be the Key to Healthier Eating Habits. (2022). Retrieved 27 September 2022, from

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