Soul Contract

A soul contract refers to the contract you signed up for before your soul came to earth in human form. This could look like signing up to learn a lesson here on this earth, like letting go. This term was really coined by Caroline Myss, which you can buy her book or listen to her lectures on audible to learn more about how she describes this term. What happens when we come to earth is that we forget everything - ‘the great forgetting’. Our sacred soul contract that we wrote up prior to coming to earth can include events throughout life that will help you ‘remember’ your purpose here on earth. So for myself, both of my parents passed away when I was young from cancer. I could stay victimised of course but instead this was something my soul, and my parents, signed up for, so that I could have the ‘great remembering.’

A soul contract is such an interesting exploration. I’ve thought for so long that our souls come to this earth because it is a school to learn lessons. Only recently have I learned of the term ‘soul contract.’ Many people have written about this topic. If you google it you’ll find very interesting takes, including this article that delves deep into us choosing our suffering, and includes the life of Jimi Hendrix. It’s not light to say we choose our suffering because suffering is not easy. However, this take could reframe the question ‘why me?’ to ‘what is this teaching me?’

Through this approach we can realise that we are here to evolve and to grow. We can gain trust in the process. Sometimes it takes years to make sense of it all and then we have the ‘aha’ moment. The clarity. If we choose to numb out, the lessons will be harder to integrate. It’ll be harder to up-level.

The soul contract I signed before coming to this earth has given me the hardships I needed to remember my purpose on this earth. I remembered through the extreme sorrow, through the serious downs, that the only way up was through listening to my highest self, God, and angels. I connected back in when I was at my extreme lowest.

Another example of a soul contract ‘event’ that happened in my life was when I was working as a massage therapist and got an injury which then manifested into a chronic illness. I was at a stage in my life where I was very confused. This chronic illness woke me back up to my purpose that has been trying to reach out to me. I could hear spirit once again telling me to connect back into my purpose. That purpose is being myself, using my spiritual gifts such as intuition and healing. This journey of being myself has been so difficult. When my parents passed away I plugged myself into being the perfect academic student. I got lost there. I was not listening to myself. I just wanted to fit in. Well, I wasn’t being myself there and I wasn’t happy. Cue the chronic illness to wake me up to myself.

Aligning with my soul means taking inventory of what lights me up and what doesn’t. For a long time, a lot wasn’t lighting me up but I just wanted to fit in the box I thought society rewarded - science, hard-working, academic. The message to be myself will keep appearing until I listen. We’re the only one responsible for this amazing life we get the chance to create. To be successful in this life, I need to be authentic and not let my self-limiting beliefs stop me.

I hope this relates to you and meets you where you are on your journey xx



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