PSYCHIC nuances

Tapping into our inner knowing, higher self is as simple as noticing the signs. The gut feeling. The inner voice that speaks. The word psychic is considered so woo-woo but is it really? Have we wanted to shun people from utilising their own intuition and north star because it is powerful? Is the speed of life today quieting our inner truth and compass? Yes and yes. It is so courageous today to just be with your own thoughts, to slow down, and to truly listen to your wisdom. Tapping into the nuances could be angel numbers 333 always showing up - however it requires a listener to see them. Nuances could be felt in the stomach. A deep knowing! However it requires you strengthen that trust muscle. When can you trust? Now. The more you trust and listen, the more the signs keep appearing.

Other tools to tap into the nuances: tarot, automatic writing, journaling, meditation.

Have you felt and trusted these nuances? We live in a world dominated by the biomedical paradigm, science having to prove everything. Education has shook the inner knowing out of us. Listening to ourselves is radical.

Start believing in yourself today. Start listening. Strengthen your trust muscle in your higher guides, your self, and your authenticity. No one can tell you how to live your life. Listen, slow down. Your guides have been trying to reach you.

I’ll be teaching a live session on automatic writing on my patreon in the scared circle community. More details can be found there.


Soul Contract
