Being authentic helps my people find me.

This journal post is all about authenticity, tribe, and community.

The Resilient Label’s logo was born from a Native American download when I was having a session with a psychic. I’m not exactly sure if I have Native American roots but I feel very tied to indigenous cultures. I learned more about indigenous cultures in a religion class I took in university, from someone who was invited and attended their ceremonies.

Native Americans have ceremonial gatherings called a pow wow. It is a sacred social gathering where the tribe comes together to meet; sing, drum, and dance; socialise and honour their cultures.

I was speaking to a friend today and we were speaking about how for older people it is so hard to find a place of connection that is not a bar. I think that’s why sometimes people turn to religion, at least that is what I have done in the past. When I was 21 I was craving deeper connection rather than just going to the bar with friends. I ended up going to church and found myself going to many churches and mosques, searching for deeper connection. I actually then became a leader in the community and led bible studies. I stopped drinking for four years during this time and then travelled for a long time, living in Nepal and living with monks, as well as living in the Dominican Republic Where I lived with nuns.

The point I’m trying to get to is that finding connections and places for those connections are much harder once we become older. I love how there are more places available today led by people in person or on the Internet which facilitate a space for deeper connection on meaningful topics. If you find you are searching for places of deeper connection, just remember that the more you feel into what makes you happy, the more you will find those places.

For me lately it is herbalism, cooking, health, and nature.

The more you are yourself, authentically you, the more those people will be attracted to you - your tribe. By having integrity with ourselves, not choosing to mask who we are, we attract our tribe. We then will not feel so alone and out of place.

I am starting a sacred community circle to have these open discussions that will be live and recorded. I’m super excited about it because I think community is so important. You are not alone but the universe craves your authenticity. Join me, I’d love to meet you all, connect and dive deeper into topics. Thanks for being here xx

You being you will connect you to who is supposed to find you.


PSYCHIC nuances


Hold space for yourself