Hold space for yourself

Hold space for yourself. How does that land? It’s not easy to do. We’re always holding space for others. What does that look like for you? How can you hold space for yourself?

The seasons are changing, a rhythm that doesn’t need to try. Where in your life can you let go, knowing that the natural rhythm of life will hold you? Do you feel like you need to do everything on your own? Maybe it feels like you can’t take a breath because you feel like you have to do it all.

Breathe. Trust the timing rather than controlling everything you can. This life can be hard, especially when you feel all alone. Fall into the deep wisdom of the universe, your tribe, your village. Breathe deeper and move into the slowness, so that you can start to notice more - allowing that deep wisdom to shine through to you. When we control, and force, and keep busy, sometimes we shut ourselves off to the help of our tribe and the universe.

Tips for holding space for yourself:

  • Light incense or a candle.

  • Walk in nature at a rhythm that is realistic you. Daily, weekly, monthly? Speak to the trees, the plants, let the wind cleanse your energy.

  • Notice what is in season on your walks. Is it oranges?

  • Tarot cards for reflection.

  • Journaling.

Perhaps you even want to speak out loud or to yourself - ‘I demand support from the world.’ Maybe it’s just been too hard. I know how it feels. Life sometimes can feel like the opposite of a rhythm with our never ending to-do lists. When we breathe, and flow with what makes us happy, it gets easier. When we resist our true nature, life will make it hard until we crumble and finally start pursuing our true path. How does that land? Have you been living in your authentic light? What do you love to do, what do you research constantly? Breathe, all in divine timing. You’re getting there. Keep smiling, you’ve come this far. How can you keep creating a wonderful life for yourself? You get to choose. Choose to hold space for yourself.




RITUAL for intuition