RITUAL for intuition

Ritual connects us back to our intuition.

Ritual is something you carve regularly into your life with a slow intention. It could be the lemon water you make every morning for yourself to start the day, knowing that you’re starting the day in a healthy way for you. Ritual could be sitting out mindfully with a cup of tea. Slowness, mindfulness creates space for your divine wisdom and soul to come through and speak to you. We’re taught in this patriarchal society to not trust ourself. We’re taught to listen to teachers, doctors, the media and to not question it. Science knows better than we know ourselves. False. We need to tune back into our silence and divine wisdom. Ritual is a slowness, a softness, a training back to feeling the subtle messages of yourself and the universe.

What makes you feel good?

This could be slowing down to regularly practice yoga, meditate for five minutes… and just start! We often don’t want to slow down because we’re so uncomfortable to hear ourself and the feelings we have been trained to suppress. Start, and once you start you’ll probably want to continue for a bit longer. Break the uncomfortableness and train yourself to enjoy slow again. Enjoy the stillness of making a meal from scratch. Take a long bath and apply oil to your skin. Spend some time feeling and touching, creating a space of healing in your home. Give your significant other a massage. This space will allow your divine wisdom to come through. You don't need to learn more. You can BE here now and let that wisdom come through.

Ritual is different for everyone. It’s an act of self-love. Making time for you is an act of self-love. It’s radical today when we’re running around. What is your soul asking of you? Slow down and listen x


Hold space for yourself

