Low-tox and NATURAL blonde remedies

Chamomile and lemon

Dying hair can have negative effect on hair GROWTH. Dye contains thousands of chemicals so it’s not good for you or the environment. Anyone who has dyed their hair and then stopped can probably testify to the fact that their hair grew better once they stopped with unnatural dying.

It’s hard to stop when you’re on the bandwagon, especially when you love the colour blonde. There are natural alternatives! Especially when you expose yourself to vitamin D. Two methods to brighten your hair when going on a walk or spending time outside:

Chamomile Tea

Brew a pot of chamomile tea, let it cool and then strain the flowers out. Spritz your hair and enjoy your time outside. Chamomile has a natural yellow tint which will help brighten your hair along with the sun’s rays.


Create a lemon spritz using a leftover spray bottle you may have - or even buy an empty glass spray bottle (there are so many uses). Squeeze some fresh lemon juice into water and then spritz your hair. Due to the acidity of the lemon, the citric acid accelerates the bleaching process incoordination with the sun.

You can also do both at the same time. Lemon and chamomile spritz. Have fun, enjoy finding natural alignment with the plants. There is so much we have at our fingertips that doesn't cost the Earth and our health.




TEA infusions