Food Has The Power To Heal Chronic Illnesses

I am so thankful for all the healing wisdom opening up to me right now, mostly from people on instagram that have helped them heal themselves reaching out to me and are pointing me in the right direction. The healing journey is so vast, and can go up and down and in so many directions. One that has consistently popped up is the advice from the Medical Medium. I shared his book in one of my blogs recently but only recently did I fully embrace the protocol. So what that looks like really for me is celery juice and the heavy metal detox smoothie in the morning. This just took my whole health up a notch and finally made me feel ready to get off my medication I was given for fibromyalgia when I was first diagnosed, which was January of this year. This is a big deal for me. I had healed so much already but the thought of feeling those symptoms again was so scary. I realised that food truly is medicine, and so many people I can see, from Medical Medium and those on the fully raw diet by Fully Raw Krystina, that healing is possible through food as medicine. So that is what I am doing. I am doing the medical medium protocol and living as raw as possible now. My new slow masticating juicer is my new best friend. Food is tasting so different to me now. It is so yummy. Fruit and vegetables are sooo good! I am loving all the ways to make juices and amazing salad dresses and dips. I cannot even believe that I can go hikes now and walk.

I was also moved to live this raw diet after watching the documentary available on youtube called Super Juice Me. The results these super sick people get are insane. In a month they are able to get off a lot of their meds, lose so much weight, and just look a person who is enjoying life. Watch it, it’s so insane. Food is medicine.

Now that spring is here in Western Australia and I can walk again - I am taking off my sweatshirt whenever possible and embracing sunlight on my skin. Vitamin D is so essential. I have read so many studies on multiple sclerosis and autoimmune conditions linking the importance of vitamin D. I also loved a documentary we watched the other evening where someone had multiple sclerosis and revealed the huge importance in. vitamin D. We cover ourselves up with clothes and sunscreen so a lot of us are actually deficient in vitamin d, so you may want to think about supplementing it, especially if you have an autoimmune condition.

I am still needing to take my next stool test to confirm if I’ve rid myself of the parasite I was trying to get rid of with my recent parasite cleanse… so I’ll update that son. However, I met with a naturopath recently to get that test etc. After my visit with her, I have no idea what happened but my tongue got so swollen and painful, to the point that talking and swallowing was hard. Anyways, after listening to my fave, The Balanced Blonde, on her podcast having an interview with the owner of BeeKeepers and the issues the owner had with tonsillitis her whole life and how the only thing that helped her was bee propolis, I was convinced I had to try it. The propolis spray is just sprayed into the back of the throat and yes, it was life-changing and a saviour. You can try it out and find out more here:

This is now something I will have all the time in my pantry. Nature really has everything we need. Look at all the colours there are. It all already exists for us. I’m blown away by nature. Breathe. It will all be okay.

And what i’m doing in my spare time, is learning to make all raw food. I am obsessed. It is my joy. Tell me if you love raw too or if you want to learn more. Lots of love!! Thanks for being here.



Easiest Gluten Free Tacos/Pancakes.


Healthy Plant-Based Protein Bar Recipe