10 Herbal Remedies for Comfort and Healing After Wisdom Teeth Extraction: A Natural Approach to Recovery

I am finally on the tail-end of recovery from wisdom teeth removal. If there's one thing I've learned throughout this process, it's the importance of having a repertoire of anti-inflammatory and soothing remedies on hand to reduce swelling and pain, and promote a speedy recovery. So, here I am, eager to share some of the herbal aids that have been my saving grace during this healing period. I want to preface this and say, I did all the medications prescribed by the dentist on top of these herbal aids and anti-inflammatory foods. Wisdom teeth extraction is a major surgery and I’d much rather not risk infection and heal as quickly as possible. With that said, let's explore ten herbal remedies that have been my personal favourites during this recovery journey.

  1. Thyme and Olive Leaf Tea: I prepped a huge jug for the next day so I could drink it throughout the day. Olive leaf is praised for its antiviral, antibacterial, and immune-boosting properties, which can help combat infections and support overall wellness. Thyme is touted for its ability to fight off pathogens in the body.

  2. Chai/Tumeric Chai: Of course the kind without all the sugar. Skip the caffeine, and stick to all the anti-inflammatory goodness, such as ginger and turmeric's active ingredient, curcumin. These properties can help reduce inflammation and swelling in the mouth and gums post-surgery, promoting faster healing. The warming spices in chai, such as ginger, cinnamon, and cloves, can have analgesic effects, providing natural pain relief after oral surgery. Turmeric, especially when combined with black pepper to enhance its absorption, may also help alleviate pain and discomfort.

  3. Ginger Infused Water: Staying hydrated is crucial for recovery, but plain water can get boring fast. Infusing it with slices of ginger adds a refreshing twist and helps ease any post-surgery nausea.

  4. Arnica Tablets: Arnica contains compounds believed to have anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation in the body. Arnica is commonly used to speed up the healing process of bruises. By promoting circulation and reducing inflammation, arnica tablets may help fade bruising more quickly.

  5. Tumeric Tablets: I took 2x daily for their anti-inflammatory properties, potentially helping to reduce swelling and discomfort during the recovery process.

  6. Clove Oil: Whenever I’d feel pain, I’d swish 3 drops of clove oil in water in my mouth. Clove oil post-wisdom teeth extraction may offer benefits such as providing natural pain relief, reducing inflammation, and possessing antimicrobial properties, which can help alleviate discomfort and promote healing in the surgical site.

  7. Lysine: Lysine is essential for collagen production, which is crucial for wound healing. Supplementing with lysine post-surgery may support the body's natural healing processes, aiding in the repair of tissues damaged during the extraction procedure.

  8. Zinc: The stress of surgery can temporarily weaken the immune system, increasing the risk of infections. Zinc is known to support immune function, helping the body fend off pathogens and reduce the likelihood of post-extraction infections.

  9. Propolis and Licorice Root Spray: May offer benefits such as soothing soreness, reducing inflammation, providing antimicrobial action, and promoting oral healing post-wisdom teeth extraction. I did Medical Medium’s healing protocol which involved spraying this every 2 hours into my throat.

  10. Honey: Honey possesses natural antimicrobial properties that can help inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. When I’m healing, I enjoy a couple of tbsp a day.

In this blog post, I highlighted the importance of having a variety of soothing remedies on hand during the recovery period after wisdom teeth removal. I included ten herbal aids for additional comfort. If you have any preferences that worked for you, let me know!


10 Soft and Soothing Foods for Post-Surgery Comfort: A Guide to Nourishing Your Body After Wisdom Teeth Removal


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