The Science of avoiding eggs

I’ve written about this controversial topic in a previous blog. I wanted to touch upon this topic again because many people believe this is a healthy food choice. There is science to prove both sides of the argument but it is important to realise that when it comes to science, there is much evidence that is backed by industry so that they can get the results they want so that people will still want to buy their product. Studies show that industry funded research for eggs increased from the 1950s to 60% in 2010-2019. This is an important point that many people do not realise when it comes to scientific literature, remembering that funding plays a big part in studies and the results found. Recent studies link eggs to heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. The reason being is due to the high fat content, which is mostly saturated, which leads to high cholesterol. Eggs also have the nutrient choline which has been found to increase the risk of heart disease.

There are so many substitutes for eggs if you’d be open to making the change. A great thought process is that by replacing eggs, you will be making room for other beneficial foods and increasing your clean carbohydrates on your plate.


Health Concerns With Eggs. Retrieved from Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine website:

LDN, E. G., MLA, RD. (2019, July 3). Digesting the latest research on eggs. Retrieved October 5, 2022, from Harvard Health website:


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