Plant-Based Nutrition Heals Chronic Illness
Eating well directly affects our health outcomes.
Chronic conditions are on the rise worldwide, especially western countries whose diet largely is one with high mean and protein intake, high fat, and low in clean carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables. In Australia, the most common chronic conditions in 2020-2021 were arthritis, asthma, cancer, and diabetes. Over half of Australians had a chronic disease during this time and 1 in 5 had more two or more chronic conditions.
I was diagnosed in 2020-2021 with fibromyalgia. These ‘mystery illnesses’ have a myriad of symptoms so during this journey I visited the GP quite often, as well as other specialists, and each time I’d go in, the GP would diagnose me with another chronic condition and offer my more prescriptions. It was a sad story. This is why I teach people to heal with food. GPs and many specialists are not equipped to teach patients how food can heal their conditions. I’m thankful to have listened to my gut and said enough is enough and knew that I could heal. If I hadn’t listened to my gut instinct, I’d still be sick and on several medications for the rest of my life.
The following chronic conditions I listed that are the most prevalent in Australia can be healed through the plant-based protocol I teach, as well decrease the many symptoms people experience with those chronic illnesses.
Chronic disease development is correlated with poor nutrition and you can control this aspect of your life. It is amazing to be equipped as the healer of your own life, instead of giving up your power to prescriptions or that there is nothing you can do to feel better. You can feel better. It takes some behaviour change and unlearning but knowing that you can feel better is sometimes the mindset you need to make those changes. There is so much information out there which can be confusing.
Here are some easy recommendations:
start cooking more at home
get a box of veg and fruit delivered to your door or go to the farmers market
and just start eating more whole-foods than processed foods.
Enjoy gorgeous produce. Your body craves these clean carbohydrates.
Prepare ahead of time.
Your body and tastebuds will start to crave this.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2014 Australia’s health 2014. Australia’s health series no. 14. Cat. no. AUS 178. Canberra: AIHW.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2020. Australia’s health 2020 snapshots. Australia’s health series no. 17. Canberra: AIHW.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, ‘Australia’s health 2020 data insights’,; accessed 28/02/2022.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, ‘Chronic conditions and multimorbidity’,; accessed 26/05/2022.
Diabetes Australia, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Diabetes management in general practice, 14th edn. Sydney, 2008.