Healing Eczema With Medical Medium Information

No one can truly understand what it is like to go through chronic symptoms unless they have lived through it. I had an amazing chat with Wendy, which you can see linked below, who healed eczema that had spread all over her face and body. She shares what she did to heal, which is the healing food-based protocol we both teach as health practitioners. You will get so much information from this live chat, from the healing journey we both went on, to healing, what skincare products are essential for chronic illness and healing in general.
Save this chat for later, you’ll want to listen to it - pop in your head phones and get ready to expand and learn healing information that is critical today. We had this chat to share this healing information far and wide. We know what it is like to go through a chronic illness and it is not fun, so we want you to know through our own journey and as health practitioners, that you too can heal.

Click the story below, and save for later.

Enjoy and sending you healing and wellness as always.

xx Tiffany


Plant-Based Nutrition Heals Chronic Illness


Five Ways to Quench Your Way to Better Health: The Importance of Hydration in Healing Chronic Illnesses and Boosting Your Well-being