Empowering Your Journey: Medical Medium Tips for Thriving with Type 1 Diabetes

Despite contradicting traditional methods for preventing and managing diabetes, placing emphasis on nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables while limiting dietary fat can alleviate the strain on your liver, pancreas, and adrenals. By incorporating healthy carbohydrates and fruits into your diet while reducing fat consumption, you can regain control of your health and lead a fulfilling life.

If you'd like more support, head to @medicalmedium for more information, book in a 15 min free discovery call with me for more support on your journey, or I invite you if you live in Perth to attend my 4-week workshop series on adrenal health in South Fremantle that is happening in August - find more information and book here.


Nourishing Your Health: Delicious and Fat-Free Recipe Tips for Managing Diabetes


Uncovering the Root Cause: Medical Medium's Perspective on Anaemia and Low Iron