Steps to Healing Chronic Illness

Hi guys!

First, welcome. I’ve always loved sharing and blogging, which I used to do while travelling, on a separate account. So now that I’m more settled in Perth and recently diagnosed (in January) with fibromyalgia, it’s meant a major turn of events and slowing down. Sometimes life is supposed to go down a different road and we’ve just been trudging through the mud for a long time. That’s what happened to me. I was so sick and had tons of symptoms. I couldn’t walk. The days would go by so fast because my mind wasn’t really there… the fibrofog was real. Well, because you’re reading this, I’m a lot better. It’s been a wild last eight months! For a while there I was seeing multiple doctors a week. Let me just tell you, it is so tiring. You get exhausted from the same pleasantry. You’re tired and you just don’t want to have to keep telling doctors what’s wrong. Sometimes they don’t even really help. The blood tests keep coming back with no answers to why you’re feeling this bad. Anyways, I want to tell you what I’ve been doing to heal and get to the point where I’m almost back to normal. It comes down to diet (which I have an ebook coming out soon about) and supplementation. I also can’t thank my Chinese doctor enough as well. Acupuncture was so healing and transformative. Okay, so if you’re looking to heal, feel better regardless if you have an illness or not, these are my tips.


    Yes, you can get your bloods done first, and if you do, get those results sent to you so you can have them and reads them, and look back on them. But the results are told to you in such a large parameter that sometimes it’s not really the most useful. If you really want to get these examined in the best way possible, you can have a naturopath read them as well because they have a smaller parameter and will let you know if something needs greater supplementation. I think everyone needs greater supplementation in their life. Yes, it is a greater expense, but it’ll make you feel soooo much better! If you’re even the slightest bit of tired and foggy, I’d highly recommend some type of supplementation. The following has been a game changer for me: magnesium malate ( find it here ), sublingual B12 ( find it here ), sublingual iron, and zinc.


    No more gluten whatsoever. Don’t even look back. This saved me. Nothing else was working until I cut out gluten. Do I actually know for fact if I’m celiac? Nope… I cut it out before I could test for it. I’ve also been to so many doctors now that I’m a bit fatigued by it and just want to heal intuitively. Before cutting it out I couldn’t walk. I would move like I was 80 years old. I wanted my life back. My husband has had psoriasis for ages so I said, you should cut out gluten, after reading up on celiac disease and knowing this is a symptom. Gluten stays in your system for six months, so I’m excited to see the results a while from now. I always was bloated, with stomach pains, and never had a flat stomach no matter how hard I worked out. I don ‘t have the energy to work out like I used to (and I truly wouldn’t want to) and I am so much more fit now. It’s wild. My husband, Valy, has switched over to gluten-free beer. We also have the best local Italians making gluten-free pasta and gluten-free pizza.

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    Take it slow. Nature is medicine. I used to be running from one place to the next, taking intense yoga classes and pilates.


    Use the time of healing to just be. To listen to your inner voice. To turn back to the child within that wants to create and play. During my time of healing I was painting! Creating fun little projects for our home. I started writing again. I had time to do whatever I wanted. When I was really sick, all I could do was lay down due to the pain I was in. The days would go by so fast because I was so out of it. Now that I’ve done all the other things to be well, I feel like my brain is so full of creativity. I heard a quote recently and basically it said, if everything just seems to not be working out over and over again no matter how hard you try, maybe it’s time to switch what you’re doing. I think I was going down a road for long trying to make things work. As soon as I completely surrendered (I had to! I was so sick), the universe whispered in my ear to finally turn back to health, as that is my true purpose on Earth.


These are my messages to you! Don’t be afraid to be alone, to start again, and to be your child-like self. She’s waiting for you to come back to yourself.


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