Fruit Sugar: is it bad for you?

Have you ever heard that eating fruit is bad for you? Or that foods high in sugar are bad for you? It depends on who you are speaking to, from a person to a doctor. I’ve encountered people that just eat no fruit or try to avoid it at all costs. I have also met people who don’t eat sweet potatoes because of the ‘high sugar’ content. I have met people with diabetes who have been told not to eat fruit too.

It’s interesting because fruit should not be feared. A lot of these people who have been given or take on this advice, would rather eat something unnatural with high levels on unnatural sugars, like from a can of Coca-cola, which is even worse. There sadly has been a wide misconception about fruit, especially for those with diabetes.

Fruits contain nutrients that are body needs to thrive and is an easy way to get energy due to the available glucose our body and brain needs. Research supports that eating fruit is an easy way to prevent chronic illnesses, obesity, cancer and heart disease. Studies show that eating fruit can prevent diabetes and if you have diabetes eating fruit is beneficial. Fruit is essential for healing, thriving, and fuelling our body with critical nutrients, phytochemicals and minerals. Fruit is not the enemy and instead a healing tool. If you have a condition and have been told my a friend or an expert that fruit is bad for you, I suggest you do further research. We are responsible for our health and wellbeing and sadly there is a lot of misinformation and advice to comb through. Look at examples of those who have healed from a chronic illness or what you may be going through. You can heal, solve your problem with a solution instead of a band-aid and do not accept that whole-foods are evil.

Wishing you health and healing.

Tiffany xx

fruit myth


Du, H., Li, L., Bennett, D., Guo, Y., Turnbull, I., Yang, L., Bragg, F., Bian, Z., Chen, Y., Chen, J., Millwood, I. Y., Sansome, S., Ma, L., Huang, Y., Zhang, N., Zheng, X., Sun, Q., Key, T. J., Collins, R., Peto, R., … China Kadoorie Biobank study (2017). Fresh fruit consumption in relation to incident diabetes and diabetic vascular complications: A 7-y prospective study of 0.5 million Chinese adults. PLoS medicine, 14(4), e1002279.

Kacie Dickinson Accredited Practising Dietitian; Lecturer in Nutrition and Dietetics, & Jodi Bernstein PhD Candidate in Nutritional Sciences. (2022, August 04). If sugar is so bad for us, why is the sugar in fruit ok? Retrieved October 4, 2022, from

Myth: I can't eat fruit if I have diabetes. Retrieved October 4, 2022, from

Park H. A. (2021). Fruit Intake to Prevent and Control Hypertension and Diabetes. Korean journal of family medicine, 42(1), 9–16.


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