Affirmations for Abundance and Healing

I’ve been really getting into affirmations, mindset, brain-rewiring and kundalini yoga lately. I believe in mind-body-soul healing - we are souls having a human experience after all.

With affirmations, it can be nice to find a couple that resonate with you and repeat them maybe 10 times a day or even save them as a screen-saver on your phone.

See below abundance and healing affirmations. Save whatever resonates in your phone so that you use these for later.


Every day I attract wealth to me.

Money continually flows into my life.

My income is always increasing.

I change the world with my money.

The universe is full of abundance, and I easily connect with it.

Making money is easy and fun.

I live a life full of wealth and abundance.

My future holds limitless financial potential.

There are no limits to my financial opportunities.

I constantly transform my skills and abilities into wealth and profits.

I earn wealth doing what I love the most.

Abundance affirmation


I am making amazing decisions about what I eat and drink. 

I will always treat my body with the love, care, and appreciation it deserves. 

Wellness is the natural state of my body - Louise Hay

Perfect health is my Divine right, and I claim it now - Louise Hay

My body is a miracle.

I thank my body for breathing.

My body is vital and able to heal itself.

Healing Affirmation

You are a perfect being. Tune in with yourself. Take a moment to pause. Connect in with mind-body-and-soul. They are connected. There is nothing wrong with you. You are love, and healthy. You are deserving of health and abundance.

Affirmations are powerful

Sending you so much love, health and healing!

xx Tiffany


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